Backrock Entries | Hook & Spin

2017-01-23 3

Bboy Wrist Conditioning Exercises | BreakDance Decoded

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This was a request from one of our Patreon subscribers. He mentioned to us he was having trouble with his wrists, and that he wanted to make it stronger.

A lot of bboys tend to neglect the strength of their wrists when they begin practicing. However, the wrist is one of the most important aspect of your body in breaking, and an injury can cause you to be unable to do many moves.

It is important for you to try to strengthen your wrists as much as possible so that you prevent injuries.

Today, in this video, I am going to teach you how to condition your wrists. After this, you will be better prepared to train for new breaking moves!

And also to prevent possible wrist injuries.

Remember to do them often! It is not a one-off when your wrists will strengthen just because you did it once.

Skip to relevant parts:
0:54 - Wrist Raises
2:07 - Wrist Floor Circling
3:17 - Planche Lean Over


Calaminus "Illusions"